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Friday, May 15, 2009

Holidays Homework

Q1. Complete and submit a CD with programs and assignment register on following subtopics from the given list of programs:
1. Series
2. Structures
3. Macro
4. Classes
5. Constructors
Submit the practical file and CD having program code of all the programs.
Q2. Read and make detailed notes of Lesson - Network and Communications (Last chapter of book) in assignment register.

Q3. Declare appropriate classes and design the menu for the project topics alloted to your group.
The Subprogram must be submitted on the CD.


I am posting this information because few students have not decided about the project topics so far. This is to help them in deciding the same. Students should feel free to share any other idea that comes to their mind. Few students have submitted their project topics and can get layout of their projects by sending project topic.
Please send your topic and name of your partners along with class and section to get project layout.
Project content (Class XII)
Project for class XII should ensure the coverage of following areas of curriculum:
a. Problem Solving
b. Data Structure
c. Object Oriented Programming in C++
d. Data File Handling

Theme of the project can be
• Any subsystem of a System Software or Tool
• Any Scientific or a fairly complex algorithmic situation.
• Business oriented problems like
Library information system,
Hotel management system,
Hospital management system,
Transport query system
School Management Systems
Result Processing
LAB Management System (Chem. , Phy. Computer Lab etc)
Pay Roll
Tutor/Computer Aided Learning Systems
FEW MORE.................................................
The aim of the project is to highlight the abilities of algorithmic formulation, modular programming, optimized code preparation, systematic documentation and other associated aspects of Software Development.
The assessment would be through the project demonstration and the Project Report, which should portray Programming Style, Structured Design, High Cohesion, Good documentation of the code to ensure readability and ease of maintenance.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


It is a static data structure. It is a homogeneous collection of data. The elements in the array are stored on consecutive memory locations. Array is also known as a subscripted variable, e.g., A[i] is ith element of the array A (i.e., i is the subscript with variable A). As we know that the elements of the array are stored on consecutive memory locations, it becomes convenient to find out the address of memory location of ith element, for given base address (address of first element) and W (i.e. the number of memory locations required by one element).
Different Operations on 1 D ARRAYS
Inserting an element
Deletion an element
Binary Search

Bubble Sorting
Selection Sorting
Insertion Sorting

Different Operations on 2 D ARRAYS
Printing (Traversal)
Addition of two Matrix
Difference Matrix
Multiplication of Matrix
Row / Col Sum and row/column product
Diagonal Sum / printing diagonal element
Transpose Matrix

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Assignment 01

Q1What will be the output of following code:

(a) What will be the output of the following program segment :
void main( )
int r ,x , y;
x =50;
y = 10;
r = ( x > 45 ) ? x : y;
cout << r ;
(b) What will be the output of the following program segment :
void main( )
int I = 0, x = 0;
if ( I % 5 = = 0 )
x + +;
cout< }
+ + I;
} while ( I < 20 )
cout<< “\n”<< x;

Q3. Write a loop to access all the elements of 1-D of size 10
1. from left to right
2. from right to left(reverse order)
3. only the first half
4. only the second half
5. first and second half together (using 2 variable)

how to improve Programming Skill

Programming is the art of instructing a computer to perform a task. The key to accomplishing this feat is learning to think like a computer. Programming is one of the most mentally challenging tasks a human being can perform, but nothing compares to the satisfaction of engineering a piece of code to solve a specific problem.
I tackle many personal development problems with a programmer’s mindset.
  • How do we define the problem?
  • What are the possible solutions?
  • Which solution best meets our constraints?
  • What are the instruction steps to implement the solution?
  • Does the solution produce the desired output?
  • Can we make this solution more elegant or optimal?

I’ve taken the common programming process of requirements gathering, architecture, design, coding, debugging, and optimization and applied it to personal development.

While humans certainly aren’t as precise or predictable as machines — we have major compatibility issues, sometimes even with ourselves — a programmer’s mindset can generate effective solutions to very human problems. Intuition is a big factor in both personal development and programming, but I like that there’s a structured fallback process that works in both fields. It’s much harder to use this process in personal development though because we know how a computer thinks, but we’re still figuring out how humans think.

Competence builds confidence. As you develop your technical skills, you’ll feel more comfortable with all forms of technology. This will encourage you to branch out and leverage technology even more.